Web development 

Web development is a great option whether your need is to be a web developer or to build and maintain your website. Let us roll deep together into web development definitions to understand it in the most simple way.

statistics for websites
statistics for websites

Statistics about web development : 

The percentage of People connected to the internet is growing reassuringly and that reflects the number of web users and searchers.

Here is the most important statistics about internet users:

NOTE THAT (Worlds’ Total population is 7.9 Billion, and 4.80 Billion of them are Internet Users).

  • The number of google searches is: 5.6 billion.
  • Web traffic: (Mobile traffic: 55.35% – Laptops & PCs: 41.93% from Internet Users).
  • People searching for products and brands: 46.5% from Internet Users.
  • Search Engine Usage: 84% from Internet Users.


Ecommerce Activity: 

  • Browsed or Shopped products online: 51.2% from Internet Users.
  • Purchased a product or services online: 39.3% from Internet Users.
  • Ordered Groceries Via online Store: 26.1% from Internet Users.


After we mentioned the most important statistics related to web development and noticed the growth of online usage, we will go deeply by simple words to understand what web development really means….


Web development definition: 

The web development Service refers to the main aspects of building websites Regardless of design, such as writing markup and coding… it may use (CMS) Content Management Systems to make them available with basic technical skills and make content changes easier.


To make a great website perform well, work fast and meets your business needs with the right user experience, You can reach all that through web development services by experienced and creative “devs” (website developers) and designers.

They use a variety of coding languages to achieve the desired goals, Focus on all details and make user-friendly and compatible with buyers journeys.

When we asked our devs in Queen Tech Solutions 

From Developers scope, the clearest answer was, web development is a collaborative effort between departments.

And website development teams can consist of a lot of people following standard methods like “Agile methodologies”,( to know what is Agile methodologies CLICK HERE ) but Small organizations may only require a single permanent developer with other types of devs based on website needs.


importance of website
importance of website

Why is web development very important?

Web development is still an extremely important part of any marketing strategy, because in recent years there has been a shift toward online interactions.

Also the way people access the web to shop, chat and find information has extremely changed.


Web development is considered as the most effective way to Communicate with your visitors. Also It allows you Improve your connectivity with your audience, and Prove your reliability.


The reasons that makes web development is very important :


“Make or break your business!”, If you are planning on developing and building a successful website you need to think about navigation….


to have a website that has a lot of pages, may be trouble if it’s not taken care of, website navigation helps users understand what your site is all about.

It’s a simple equation, to convert all the traffic to sales you have to avoid the confusion for your users by providing a quick and easy navigation.

 The professionals often say that ” If you want to become successful, your website should be easy enough to navigate even for grandmas.”


    2. Reading Patterns 

A certain pattern may lead you to bring in more sales for the business. Some people read websites similar to a book!

The same pattern – top to bottom, left to right… believe that In everything that you do, It is always the best way to do it.


    3. Brand Consistency

the essence of existence, The name of your company, brand, logo and color palette. If there’s no consistency found in your brand’s name, your brand will not have credibility through your audience.

The most important representation for your brand is your brand logo, so you should use it frequently, the logo must contain a consistent placement on your website.


website statistics in 2022
website statistics in 2022

10 Important digital statistics in 2022: 

  • Google searches: 3.5 Billion per day
  • Active websites : 1.5 Billion
  • Unique internet users : 4.54 Billion 
  • 38% of visitors will stop engaging with your website if the layout or content is unattractive.
  • The first factor in determining a business’s credibility is your website design.
  • If your website loading speed is low, you will lose +7% from the possible conversions.
  • 39% of customers will stop engaging with your website if the images take too long to load or won’t load.
  • 52% of Visitors want to see “About us” information after entering the homepage
  • 2 minutes of every 3 minutes spent online from Mobile devices.
  • Less likely users to return to a site after a bad experience by 88%.


Start 2022 with a new Marketing Strategy and a great website, It’s a new year and a fresh start for you and for your brand!

website components
website components

What are the Website Components?

If Your site is developed right, it will look great and work better, so you need to understand what the website’s components are…. 

Websites consist of Backend – Frontend – Full stack



Backend is where we store the data, and it consist of the server that hosts the website, an application for running it and a database to contain the data and to ensure that the server.

The application and the database run smoothly together The backend developers uses computer programs to do that, through analyzing what a company’s needs are and provide efficient programming solutions.



The visual aspect of the website, Is what you see like the text, and what you use like drop down menus.

Frontend is all about paying attention to the design, layout and interactivity by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. 



Frontend & Backend development Combined are “Full-stack”. and If both Frontend and Backend development appeal to you, you could consider becoming a Full-Stack Developer, in order to determine how the website and server-sides will relate, and need to understand how the web works on all levels, Full-stackers take care of both the frontend and the backend.


Web development languages: 

You have to determine the most suitable coding language in order to help you achieve your website goal…

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • CSS
  • Java
  • Angular
  • React
  • Scala
  • Objective C
  • C#
  • PHP
  • Python
  • C++
  • Perl

ETC ……..

web development tools
web development tools

Website development tools : 

The goals of the tools is to make it simple for developers, and easy to develop and design a custom website platform.


  1.  Chrome DevTools :
    Google also facilitates web development.
  2.  InVision Cloud :
    This is a tool for digital product design platforms.
  3. Foundation :
    A family of front-end frameworks.
  4. Sublime Text :
    This is a code editor tool to make advanced website design easier.
  5. Visual Studio Code :
    A text editor tool from Microsoft


Don’t lose visitors or waste the time and start your website with QTS Website Development company in Egypt, more than 15 years of experience in web development and software solutions.

Visit our portfolio in web development  – CLICK HERE TO GET QUOTE

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